Black women-owned businesses and black-owned brands are growing rapidly in the small business owners’ corporate world.Let’s explore a few Black women entrepreneurs who are...
HomeProductPerplexity Assistant Assistant for Android with smarter AI for tasks and context!VisitIntroducing Perplexity Assistant for Android! It uses reasoning, search, & apps to handle...
July 2023If you collected lists of techniques for doing great work in a lot
of different fields, what would the intersection look like? I decided
In this episode of The Ticket, Customer Support Operations Analyst at Intercom, Kevin Furlong discusses his critical role, focusing on the balance between proactive...
Dan Caruso’s new book Bandwidth: The Untold Story of Ambition, Deception, and Innovation that Shaped the Internet Age and Dot-Com Boom is available for...
HomeProductWordlinkConnect words across topics, race against time!WordLink is an engaging vocabulary trivia word game that challenges players to create chains of topic-related words. It...