Two-Part Hollywood Doc ‘Number One on the Call Sheet’ Official Trailer

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Two-Part Hollywood Doc ‘Number One on the Call Sheet’ Official Trailer

by Alex Billington
February 27, 2025
Source: YouTube

“I thought I was fly. I acted like I was fly and got what I wanted.” Apple TV has unveiled an official trailer for a two-part documentary film titled Number One on the Call Sheet, arriving for streaming in March. Two doc films celebrate the achievements of Black actors in Hollywood. Insightful, funny, emotional, these stories of trailblazing men & women reveal what it takes to find success in the film industry. Number One on the Call Sheet: Black Leading Men In Hollywood (directed by Reginald Hudlin) and Number One on the Call Sheet: Black Leading Women In Hollywood (directed by Shola Lynch) deliver an in-depth look at some of Hollywood’s biggest stars as they reveal their journeys to game-changing leading roles. The films are produced for Apple by Jamie Foxx, Kevin Hart, Datari Turner and Dan Cogan. Both of these seem to be interview docs – featuring chats with and anecdotes and more from some of the greatest talent of today. “We don’t have this kind of collective testimonial from any period of film history… The audience [can] experience what it was like to be in the room & in conversation with unvarnished ambition, excellence, and beauty and to feel their awe, joy, frustration, love, triumph. I’ve truly been surprised how much their stories transcend celebrity and have meaning for us mere mortals. I can only hope the audience feels the same.” Take a look.

Official trailer (+ poster) for Apple TV’s two-part doc Number One on the Call Sheet, from YouTube:

Number One on the Call Sheet Trailer

Number One on the Call Sheet Trailer

With unprecedented access and candid interviews, Number One on the Call Sheet takes us on an intimate journey with some of Hollywood’s most extraordinary leading Black men and women as they shine a light on the joys & challenges of being a Black actor, share breakthrough moments, discuss success, and honor legends, while recognizing the next generation’s enormous potential. Number One on the Call Sheet: Black Leading Women in Hollywood is directed by award-winning filmmaker Shola Lynch, of the docs Chisholm ’72: Unbought & Unbossed and Free Angela & All Political Prisoners previously. Exec produced by Angela Bassett, Halle Berry, Viola Davis, Whoopi Goldberg, Reginald Hudlin, Mishka Brown, Nanette Nelms, Bryan Smiley, Candice Wilson Cherry, Liz Garbus, Mala Chapple, Mark Monroe. Number One on the Call Sheet: Black Leading Men in Hollywood is directed by acclaimed filmmaker Reginald Hudlin, director of the films The Black Godfather, House Party, The Great White Hype, The Ladies Man, Serving Sara, Marshall, Safety, Candy Cane Lane previously. Exec produced by Reginald Hudlin Hudlin, Byron Phillips, Diana E. Williams, Bryan Smiley, Candice Wilson Cherry, Liz Garbus, Mala Chapple. Both Number One on the Call Sheet doc films will debut streaming on Apple TV+ starting March 28th, 2025 coming soon. Interested?


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